Do Private High Schools Allow Therapy Pets? – Pet Training Blog

There are several ways to help students feel less anxious and stressed And one of these techniques is through therapy dogs. While most high schools do not permit therapy dogs to be employed there are a few schools that permit the use of therapy dogs. This is a great way for students and their parents to unwind and let go of stress.

Private high schools are embracing therapy dogs as a fashion. Therapy dogs interact with anxious or stressed students in order to assist them with getting out of their moods. Therapy dogs can provide many benefits. Students who interact with therapy dogs benefit from better social skills. They also increase self-esteem and improve their daily relationships. Therapy dogs are great for their physical contact with the students. They permit them to be active and to play. Therapy dogs are able to aid students in lowering blood pressure, as well as make them feel more positive.

Students can use therapy dogs to alleviate stress and anxiety. Therapy dogs provide positive stimulation and other benefits to students at high schools.
